Alano Español (Spanish Alano) (Spanish Bulldog) Overview

The Alano Español is a molosser (a large sturdy dog whose origins are in Molossia). It has a primitive appearance whose general physiology fits him especially well for running at high speeds for long periods of time and firmly holding wild game or cattle for a long time when ordered. With a well-proportioned body structure, the rib cage is arched, not cylindrical, the chest reaches elbow level, with strong and solid shoulders and withers. The front legs are stronger than the back ones, and are straight whether viewed from the front or from the side. The paws are generally much larger than those of other dogs of the same size and weight. The profile of the Alano's backbone outline is slightly ascending toward the back end or, at least, straight, but not descending. The muscles in the hindquarters are well developed and the back legs show very well defined angles ending in strong feet. The tail is thicker at the base tapering to a point and is never cropped because it is used as a rudder in the dog’s sharp turns and dribbles when hunting or working with half-wild or wild cattle. When the tail is carried low, none of its length rests against the dog’s hind area. The belly is retracted inwards, giving him a more athletic appearance than other heavier molosser breeds. The neck is strong, powerful and wide, showing two double chins that should never hang to low. His head is brachycephalic (Bulldog type) in shape, squared in appearance and with a serious expression. The muzzle is wide and represents approximately 35% of the total length of the head, with a vertical stop. The nose is large, wide and black with open nostrils. The ears are usually cropped, slightly rounded at the tip. Uncropped ears are medium in size and carried folded over the face. The Alano has very powerful jaws. The teeth are wide, well separated from each other with a very strong and firm scissors bite or inverted scissors bite. An under-bite is allowed if it is 2 mm or less. When walking, the Alano has the stride of a sly panther, because of its habit of carrying his head low, slightly and slowly bouncing it from side to side making its strong shoulders more visible. Alanos are tireless molossers that can maintain a constant, graceful, agile trot for a long time. When galloping, they are fast and flexible, fully stretching in and out their whole body in each step, sorting obstacles with enormous agility, making it look as if they will never get tired even if they were required to maintain the gallop for miles. Coat colors include yellow and wolf gray, fawns and reds (in either light or dark tones), with or without tigering (brindling) and or black mask. Black and tan—always with tigering on the tan markings which is described in the Spanish standard as "negro y atigrado" translating as black and tigered. White markings are allowed, but only on the snout, neck and chest, lower legs, belly and at the tip of the tail; the white should never predominate the body.
