Overview of Banter Bulldogge

The Banter Bulldogge should be a powerfully built, athletic, muscular mid-sized Bulldogge / Mastiff with minimal white. A strong working dog with a bully build, its legs still underneath it, they range from 50 to 85 lbs. in keeping with the range that the Brabanter Bullenbeisser was believed to be when it was still around. Banter Bulldogges have a slight under-bite and are mostly solid in color. They compare to the old Molosser dogs of the area of Brabant that were known as the Brabanter Bullenbeisser. Most of all, they continue to be a working breed and should be proven at every opportunity. The head is square and muscular, and should have a pronounced stop between skull and muzzle, with the top of the skull mostly flat with strong muscular jaws. Fault: narrow or long. It has cood strong teeth with impressive canines. The muzzle should not be upturned, therefore allowing un-restrained breathing. Fault: muzzle too long, scissor or even bite. The eyes are rounded and almond-shaped, wide-set with a wrinkled brow for a look of heavy concentration; any color is acceptable. The nose is balanced to muzzle, clean and free breathing;  black or dark red. Fault: completely pink nose (a small amount is acceptable). The neck is well-muscled thick and high, blending into very muscular, strong forelimbs. It has an impressive strong chest that should come down to meet that elbows. It should appear square and not overly exaggerated. Chest should have spring to it to allow for heavy intake of air. Fault: too narrow in the chest. The back should have a slight arch with a high-set tail. It should be well-muscled above shoulders. Legs should not be "stubby" or "lanky" but have a nice balance of height compared to the length of the body to keep "performance" in this breed. Front legs are muscular and well defined. Rear legs are very muscular for strong bouncing leaps and superior pulling power. The leg is slightly shorter than body is long. Rear should appear to be very square. Fault: Bowing or turning out, resulting in poor movement. The feet should be compact, round and the pasterns should be strong. Fault: down in the pasterns or splayed feet. Colors include fawn, black, red, brindle of all types, with or without black mask. All colors can possess various amounts of white up to 30%. The coat should be short and smooth. Ears are short, either drop or rose. Ears may be cropped; this is of no major importance. The tail should be set high, naturally reaching near the hock. Preferred to be docked, but this is of no major importance.
