Overview of Campeiro Bulldog

Overview of Campeiro Bulldog or Pampas Bulldog

The Campeiro Bulldog is a breed of dog that was born from the Old English Bulldog (now extinct breed), which was selected in dealing with cattle for pedestrians in the regions south and center-oste of Brazil , became a working dog adapted to regional conditions.

This breed has been developed in southern Brazil capturing and dominating cattle or pig that had strayed from the group or the most skittish and later arrived in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul until the end of the 60s , which largely played the role of cattle dog on farms and in slaughterhouses , In the 70s came Endangered Species due to the introduction of new laws and health (and its more effective application) measures, but has returned to work after a hard expressiveness rescue cinófilo led by Ralf Schein Bender .
